Why is Haiti important to the united states?

Haiti is a country in the Caribbean Islands on the continent of North America, with a land area of roughly 10,640.98 square miles and a water area of approximately 73.36 square miles.

It has a population of roughly 12.5 million people. Haiti is a sovereign state located on the island of Hispaniola in the Greater Antilles archipelago, and it is the largest of the Greater Antilles.

A slave uprising in Haiti saved the United States. Even though he was not enslaved himself, Toussiant trained and led the half-million enslaved Africans in Haiti to win after victory over England and France over more than ten years. His actions helped to keep the United States free of European dominance.

In the 20th century, the United States saw the country as a counterbalance to communist Cuba. In addition to its potential as a business partner and participant in the drug traffic problems, Haiti is strategically vital to the United States. Haiti is just down the corner in the Caribbean. Besides, both countries are linked by a sizable Haitian diaspora that has settled in the United States.

Haiti is a country in the Caribbean approximately 700 miles away from the U.S. city of Miami. Haiti occupies a third of the more oversized island known as Hispaniola (the Dominican Republic occupies the remaining two-thirds of the island).

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